The movie, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, is an expression of
our modern mythology, depicting the world after nuclear holocaust
in which life has turned into a demonic parody of the present. In this
world turned upside down are two post-holocaust societies: one that
no longer has the capacity to dream and another that is lost in dreams.
Like us, they have a sense that they are in exile from the world  as it
should be. And like us, they are trying to put the fragments of truth
together in the right order.

Into these two societies comes Max, a salvager and destroyer....


Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome:

Salvaging the Future

The Story:
The Future as Demonic Parody

The Movie as Social Criticism:
Technology as a Source of Values

The Movie as Myth:
The Savior as Salvager

The Movie as a Disguised Account
of Personal Development:
Ethics, Independence, and the Family Drama

Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
As a Form of Salvage


E-mail Letter on the Meaning of Mad Max

Deconstruction, Transparency, and Salvage:
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
As a Metaphor for Self-Knowledge

Notes on the Movie


*  *  *  *  *  *  * *  *  *  *  *

Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome was:

Written by
Terry Hayes and
George Miller (II)

Directed by
George Miller (II)
and George Ogilvie

Mel Gibson as Mad Max
and Tina Turner as a mind-boggling Aunty Entity

Go to Part
The Story:
The Future as Demonic Parody

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A Note to teachers
at colleges and universities

Home page

Science fiction

The Mad Max Chronology
 -- This web page, by Alex Maddison, is one of a growing number of sites that are creating a new kind of  fiction by reconstructing the lives of characters. Here, Max's life is reconstructed using information found in the movies, a collector's magazine and three novelizations. 

Mad Max
-- A thoughtful site on the Mad Max trilogy.

The Mad Max FAQ

Trouble's World: Mel Gibson

Post-Apocalyptic Books


Transparency: Copyright © 1996 -2000 Ken Sanes.
All rights reserved.
Transparency is on file with the U.S. Copyright Office.

A note to writers and journalists:
If you use these ideas or refer to them, please attribute the source to
Transparency at by Ken Sanes.

Ken Sanes